El poder mental
Mental power
Hola a todos
Hoy os quiero dar algo en que pensar .....
La superación personal de que demuestran algunas personas, los que gozan de salud, energía, iniciativa y motivación para programar sus objetivos y cumpliros, puede incrementarse con el debido adiestramiento hasta niveles impresionantes.
Muchas veces tendrás la sensación de que la vida te supera y no logras avanzar. Los obstáculos parecen acumularse, te falta la energía suficiente para llegar al fin de la jornada, tu trabajo, si es que lo tienes, ya no te satisface ni te motiva. Tu vida personal se resiente por la falta de metas y nuevos estímulos. Parece como si la vida fuese cuesta arriba y tú rodaras cuesta abajo.
Cuando te sucede algo así el daño es doble. Por un lado pierdes la iniciativa y la fe necesaria en ti mismo, con lo cual acabas resintiendo tu autoestima. Por otro lado, bajan los escudos del sistema inmunitario a causa de un prolongado estado mental mediocre, de tedio, insatisfacción, inseguridad, etc, lo cual significa un peligro para tu salud.
Necesitas activar todo tu potencial interior, las capacidades para reaccionar y superar incluso las mayores adversidades con las que uno pueda enfrentarse. Dicho potencial radica dormido en remotas zonas del subconsciente. Activar todo ese poder mental te otorgará la energía que necesitas, la superación personal de cualquier cosa que te impida lograr el éxito en lo que deseas.
Me refiero a una fuerza humana latente pero poco utilizada, porque para poder activarla y servirse de su enorme potencial hace falta conocer las claves de acceso. Los deportistas de alta competición cuentan con el adiestramiento de un preparador físico para que alcancen el nivel óptimo y al máximo posible.
Hi all
Today I want to give something to think about .....
Today I want to give something to think about .....
Personal improvement show that some people, who are in health, energy, initiative and motivation to set goals and cumpliros, can increase with training due to impressive levels.
Many times you will feel that life will not manage to overcome and advance. The obstacles seem to accumulate, you lack the energy to reach the end of the day, your job, if you have it, and does not satisfy you or motivates you. Your personal life suffers from the lack of goals and new stimuli. It seems as if life were you'll roll uphill and downhill.
When something happens and the damage is twofold. On one hand you lose the initiative and the necessary faith in yourself, which just resenting your self-esteem. On the other hand, lower the shields of the immune system due to a prolonged poor mental state of boredom, dissatisfaction, insecurity, etc, which means a danger to your health.
You need to turn your potential internal capacity to respond and overcome even the greatest adversity with which one may face. This potential lies asleep in remote areas of the subconscious. Activate all that brain power will give you the energy you need, personal improvement of anything to stop you succeed in what you want.
I mean a latent human strength but little used, because in order to activate and use their enormous potential need to know the passwords. The elite athletes have training a trainer to reach the optimal level and the maximum possible.
Many times you will feel that life will not manage to overcome and advance. The obstacles seem to accumulate, you lack the energy to reach the end of the day, your job, if you have it, and does not satisfy you or motivates you. Your personal life suffers from the lack of goals and new stimuli. It seems as if life were you'll roll uphill and downhill.
When something happens and the damage is twofold. On one hand you lose the initiative and the necessary faith in yourself, which just resenting your self-esteem. On the other hand, lower the shields of the immune system due to a prolonged poor mental state of boredom, dissatisfaction, insecurity, etc, which means a danger to your health.
You need to turn your potential internal capacity to respond and overcome even the greatest adversity with which one may face. This potential lies asleep in remote areas of the subconscious. Activate all that brain power will give you the energy you need, personal improvement of anything to stop you succeed in what you want.
I mean a latent human strength but little used, because in order to activate and use their enormous potential need to know the passwords. The elite athletes have training a trainer to reach the optimal level and the maximum possible.
El poder mental es una facultad totalmente natural y utilizable por cualquiera que se lo proponga, y existen tácticas para ello, tácticas que reprograman tu mente muy por encima de lo que ni siquiera puedes imaginar. Con las capacidades para la superación personal activadas al máximo serás una persona nueva, inasequible a la desmotivación y al negativismo que impera en la sociedad.
Te habrás dado cuenta de que nada perturba la concentración de un deportista de alta competición. Es como una máquina humana programada de antemano para ganar. Lo que sirve para la exigente competición deportiva también vale para poder afrontar los retos y exigencias de la vida.
Cómo incrementar la superación personal
Las capacidades para incrementar la motivación y la superación personal también son válidas para la vida, que demanda un alto nivel de reto y exigencia. No puedes permitirte arrojar la toalla. Tienes que tomar de nuevo el control, eliminar todo lo que te impide avanzar, los malos hábitos físicos y mentales, marcarte nuevos objetivos y saber motivarte para conquistarlos, abrirte paso con seguridad y fortaleza interior, incrementando tu nivel de salud.
Mental power is a totally natural power and usable by anyone who proposes it, and there it tactics, tactics that reprogram your mind far beyond what you can even imagine. With the capacity for self-improvement will be activated when a new person up, unavailable to the discouragement and negativity that prevails in society.
You may have noticed that nothing disturbs the concentration of a highly competitive athlete. It's like a human machine preprogrammed to win. What goes for the demanding sports competition also applies to the challenges and demands of life.
How to increase self improvement
Capabilities to increase motivation and self improvement are also valid for life, which demand a high level of challenge and demand. Can not afford to throw in the towel. You have to take back control, eliminate everything that is holding you back, the physical and mental habits, new objectives and brand you know motivation to conquer, fight your way safely and inner strength, increasing your level of health.
You may have noticed that nothing disturbs the concentration of a highly competitive athlete. It's like a human machine preprogrammed to win. What goes for the demanding sports competition also applies to the challenges and demands of life.
How to increase self improvement
Capabilities to increase motivation and self improvement are also valid for life, which demand a high level of challenge and demand. Can not afford to throw in the towel. You have to take back control, eliminate everything that is holding you back, the physical and mental habits, new objectives and brand you know motivation to conquer, fight your way safely and inner strength, increasing your level of health.
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